Tag Archives: Nancy Murray

District V Elementary Festival Performs to FULL HOUSE!

The District V Elementary Festival, part of what the State Music Educators provide for student musicians took place at the Lewis Libby School in Milford on Friday. Selected sixth grade students from Mr. Henry’s choral groups in Orono and Veazie participated in a four hour rehearsal with Mrs. Murray, choral director from Cape Elizabeth. Students worked to bring four songs to a place where they could be performed with musicality and great accuracy. The 100 member chorus, made up of students in the District V area (communities from Newport to Millinocket mostly on the west side of the Penobscot River) performed a concert at the Milford School in conjunction with a band and orchestra made up of 5th and 6th grade musicians. The 6:00pm concert was performed in front of a packed and appreciative house. Congratulations go to the Veazie and Orono choruses who were represented by these fine student musicians. Great job!

Honors Festival Choir soprano section

Honors Festival Choir soprano section


Singers await the start of the choral concert.


Mrs. Nancy Murray address the audience in between choral pieces. Check out some of the faces of the singers on the risers!


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